Thank you for visiting Chameleon World Muji.
We would like to share a little history about us and how it all started.

Our names are Michaela and Julian and our fascination for these incredible lizards began after seeing our first yemen chameleon(Chamaeleo calyptratus) in a local pet shop. From 3 months old we enjoyed watching him grow through to adulthood. Throughout this time our research evolved as did our passion for these animals. After acquiring our first Panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis), the chameleon bug really took a hold. Being hands on people we enjoyed experimenting with husbandry techniques constantly changing ideas and set-ups to suit the animals.
During this time we were very lucky to be offered an all screen enclosure business from a local friend Terry Thatcher who had been involved in the reptile hobby for many years. This allowed us to design enclosures around the different species, ‘that being the key to success’. Drainage was always an issue keeping chameleons so we decided to design a drainage system to accompany the enclosures. These worked very well with misting systems and avoided excess water problems. The Hydro-Flo trays then became the key to Bio-active set-ups giving full drainage to your living substrate.
Over the years we have kept and bred more than 15 species of chameleon using our bio-Flo enclosures as well as several locales of panther chameleon. One of our final projects was working with the Nguru pygmy chameleon(Rhampholeon acuminatus). They settled very well will us in these completely natural set-ups. Over the 4 years of working with them, we were constantly finding babies (neonates) hanging from branches that had hatched from their mother’s eggs that had been laid in the living substrate.
Over this period this species became critically endangered (IUCN). We felt the only decision for these guys was to become part of a Tanzanian conservation project at Paignton Zoo where we donated them and they are happily living and breeding successfully there today.